
Welcome to Beverly Claire Photography, the online photo portfolio of Beverly Claire Kaiya.


Beverly Claire Photography offer unique, beautiful images for digital or print use.

Would you like to license a photo you found on my portfolio? It’s never been easier! Beverly Claire Stock Images offer images at very affordable prices. We are able to do this because we shoot the photos and then sell them to you, the customer, right from our own website. Cutting out the middleman means you get more value for your money. It’s also a significant show of your support for independent, living artists.

We offer an array of art prints from canvas to metal to poster via Fine Art America. This store ships from the US. Customizable photo gifts are also available on Zazzle. Those in Oceania and Europe may want to check out our Redbubble store, which manufactures and ships from either Australia or the UK.

If you find an image of ours that you like but is not offered for licensing or as a print please don’t hesitate to shoot us an email: store(at)beverlyclaire.com

About the Photographer

Beverly Claire Photography Profile Photo My name is Beverly Claire. I bought my first film SLR camera when I was in college in the late 1990’s. My main goal was to shoot Grand Sumo tournaments in Nagoya, Japan. I was a shrieking, screaming, fainting sumo fan back then 🙂

Arming myself with a 300mm lens, an unwieldy tripod and my trusty SLR, I shot dozens and dozens of rolls of film. Of sumo dudes. Even the ones I didn’t really like. It was an amazing feeling freezing movement and capturing expressions and preserving them on film, for a lifetime of memories. That started my love affair with photography.

After graduation, I became a corporate workhorse, practically living in the office and doing non-stop, sleepless 72-hour workdays. I dropped all hobbies and dedicated my entire life to my IT job. My camera and lenses gathered dust. I didn’t even think of taking up photography again until, a few years ago, I attended my niece’s wedding. The photos I took with a low-MP point-&-shoot camera in a dimly lit room were terribly disappointing. I vowed to not make the same mistake again. I went on to arm myself with a decent DSLR and am back in “shooting everything that moves (or not)” mode.

I left the Philippines in early 1997. I have since lived and worked in Japan. Yokohama, a bay city near Tokyo, is the place my husband and I call home.

Other Works

I love to do traditional painting as well as digital illustration.

I also work as a 3D visualization artist. I enjoy interior decoration and product design. For me, traveling is not merely a want but a need, because visiting different places and meeting new people truly help expand one’s horizons. Next to painting I enjoy digital graphic design and making personalized gifts. I’m a self-taught lots-o’-things, so one day I decided to teach myself how to swim.

Website Terms of Use

You may use the images in my portfolio on your blog, website, Pinterest board etc as long as you keep the watermark and acknowledge the image source by linking back to my portfolio. If you’d like a non-watermarked version for commercial or personal use, please purchase a royalty-free license via my own stock licensing site.

How Can We Help You?

If you are looking for a particular image or wish to hire us to capture something for you, please send us a message. We’d love to hear from you!

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